
Welcome to the Web site for The William Harvey Chapter of Royal Arch Masons, No. 49. We are a Royal Arch Chapter that is attached to Gihon Sancta Maria Lodge, No. 49. It is intended that the Web site will be useful to non-Masons, Royal Arch Companions who wish to visit or become a joining member and those Master Masons who are considering joining the Royal Arch through our Chapter.

Freemasonry is the world's oldest secular society and promotes the fundamental principles of "brotherly love, relief and truth." In modern parlance, each can be explained by the following:

  • Brotherly love - Freemasons should tolerate and respect the opinions of others and show compassion and understanding to others.
  • Relief - Freemasons should help to the best of their ability those in distress and to give freely to charity, without any detriment to themselves or their dependents.
  • Truth - Freemasons should act honestly and truthfully and uphold high moral standards in both their professional and private lives and strive to seek out the truth about one’s inner self.

The basis of Freemasonry in England is Craft Freemasonry, which comprises three Degrees - Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft and Master Mason. In England, Craft Freemasonry is organised and regulated by the United Grand Lodge of England. The Royal Arch is regulated by its parent body, the Supreme Grand Chapter of England, itself essentially the Royal Arch equivalent of the United Grand Lodge of England. Until December 2003, the Supreme Grand Chapter considered the Royal Arch to be another Degree that completed the Third Degree of a Master Mason. The Royal Arch is still an integral part of what every Master Mason needs to learn to complete what he has been taught in the three Degrees of Craft Freemasonry.

© 2010 – 2018 The William Harvey Chapter of Royal Arch Masons No. 49
Approved by Supreme Grand Chapter on XX XX 2010
Last updated on Saturday, 7 April, 2018